Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

For the future daddy in the family, I decided to make homemade blueberry pancakes (one of his favorite things to eat) on Father's Day.

I used fresh organic blueberries we received from our organic produce delivery service, and buttermilk (yes, I went and got some more - this will now spawn a new slew of buttermilk related dishes).

These pancakes were delicious with pure maple syrup drizzled on top. As a treat, we even had some crisp bacon with the pancakes. Delicious!

These pancakes are based on the Blueberrry Buttermilk Pancakes from the Joy of Cooking.  I made the pancakes a little differently by substituting some whole wheat flour for some of the all-purpose white flour, and adding a little less butter to the recipe. 

Then, since I had all my baking stuff out anyway, I made some homemade banana bread with bananas that were on their last legs.  The whole house smelled so warm and inviting as this bread was baking in the oven.

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