Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ugh, being a corporate peon has been really rough lately. Late, late nights at work, missed meals and lack of sleep. The one bright spot for the past couple of weeks has been sneaking away for a couple of hours to join a sock class taught by my knitting guru at my favorite local yarn store, Imagiknit (then heading back in to work - sigh). I am finally learning how to knit socks...of course, this coming from the woman who hardly wears socks. Well, I figure someone I know will want some!

Here's the learning/test sock - note the anklet length. I told hubbie, the anklet may make it look girly, but he has to wear it anyway when complete. Here's to hoping that each sock I knit will eventually end up with a matching mate. I can see a knitting future filled with a slew of single socks.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ok, have you seen this site? I am not trying to plug anything, but it is hilarious. I am thinking that a certain someone might get a custom calendar of demotivators. Because, let's admit it, when you walk into someone's office and he/she has one of those inspirational saying posters, you find yourself thinking, "Really, dude? For real?" and then maybe thinking about this. But, maybe I am just too cynical for my own good and meant to serve as a warning.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Latest Project - Lace Ribbon Scarf

I love the way my Lace Ribbon Scarf turned out! It is my first lace project and first attempt at blocking anything. Blocking turned out to be not as daunting as I thought. I got lace blocking wires and used the Knitter's Block I purchased at Article Pract a couple of weeks ago.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Soundtrack to My Life - the iPod Game

Here's a game that I heard about through the internet. Try it, and don't cheat! Can't fast forward if the song you get is ridiculous - just admit that your taste in music may be...eclectic.

Cribbed from another blogger:
Imagine your life is a movie - what songs would be in it?
Here's how it works:

1. Open your music library (iTunes, Media Player, iPod, Zune (for those of use who work at Microsoft - haha), etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool... (this is actually a rule in the game, and just reiterates my thoughts above.)

Opening Credits: Alfie - Lily Allen
Waking Up: Friday Night, Saturday Morning - The Specials
The Big Move: Here Comes Your Man - Pixies
Falling in Love: Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
First Kiss: The Execution of All Things - Rilo Kiley
Fight Scene: Strawberry Swing - Coldplay
Breaking Up: Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Getting Back Together: Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne (oh,what? really, iPod?? how did this get on here? damn it.)
Secret Love: Brand New Key - Rasputina
Mental Breakdown: Bittersweet - Big Head Todd and Monsters (recall college days, anyone?)
Out Being Crazy With Friends: 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
Driving: Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Flashback: Why Can't I - Liz Phair
Happy Dance: A Message to You Rudy - The Specials (do I really like them or something? why are their songs on my iPod?)
Regretting: Lullaby - The Cure
Spending a Night Alone: Please Forgive Me - David Gray
Death Scene: Galileo - Indigo Girls (ok, if this doesn't recall college days, I don't know what does.)
End Credits: M+M's - Blink 182

Ok, so what have we learned? That none of those songs make sense for the chosen scenes, thus proving that my life is random and that I am still looking for a point...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Meet Devil Cat and Chubby Cat

Meet my evil black kitty. Her name is Priscilla, but we call her Monkey. She is a shelter kitty. She is half the size of our other kitty, Elvis, but she terrorizes him. She is evil around guests in our home, yowls and tries to scratch them dead, but we love her like no other. She is the most loving gentle kitty around me and hubbie. She tries to sleep between us in our bed, and spoons me at night until we kick her down to the bottom of the bed to sleep with Elvis. She loves when we cuddle with her and demands lots of attention. I can't help but love my problem kitty.

Meet my chubby tuxedo kitty. His name is Elvis. He was a feral kitty that one of my friends trapped and convinced me into adopting. He is my first cat - never thought of myself as a cat person until Elvis. He was a wild child at first, with lots of drive by scratchings of me and my friends. Now, he is happily mellow. As mentioned above, he is terrorized by Monkey. Notice his extremely short whiskers. Monkey likes to pretend to cuddle up to him and clean his face, then rip out his whiskers. Poor much enduring Elvis. He doesn't like to be held like Monkey, but likes to sit next to you and purr loudly. He sounds like a little engine.