to see the opera "The Bonesetter's Daughter" at the San Francisco Opera. Amy Tan, who wrote the original novel upon which the opera is based, and the libretto to the actual opera was there, and I got a chance to meet her. Note the dorky picture. (I will also note here that the top I am wearing is from BCBG and was originally over $120, but I bought it Nordstrom's Rack a while ago for about $35. Score! ) The production was unique, but I have to say that I enjoy the classic Italian operas much more. And again, as per our usual, we did not have our camera with us, although we knew that we were going to meet Amy Tan, hence the shaky camera phone pic.

In other news, everyone I know seems to be pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or just recently gave birth. For one of these soon-to-be-born babies, I knitted the Ann Norling Fruit Cap#10 for Kids. I purchased this pattern at Article Pract in Oakland, CA. This pattern is super easy to follow and knits pretty quickly (for those who are more diligent than I). I meant to have it finished in time for the baby shower,
but it was not to be. I think it turned out very nicely - I meant it to be like a grape, but people seem to think it is an eggplant (although to me it would seem to be a very underripe eggplant). It also seems that every baby who has a family friend or family member who knits has one of these ubiquitous Fruit Caps. But, I understand, because who wouldn't love these little cute caps
on a baby! In the ultimate turn of laziness/efficiency, I interoffice'd this cap to the mom-to-be, since she and I are fellow corporate peons. Don't worry, I sent her "real" gift in the proper manner in time for the baby shower - from the baby registry and gift wrapped.
but it was not to be. I think it turned out very nicely - I meant it to be like a grape, but people seem to think it is an eggplant (although to me it would seem to be a very underripe eggplant). It also seems that every baby who has a family friend or family member who knits has one of these ubiquitous Fruit Caps. But, I understand, because who wouldn't love these little cute caps
on a baby! In the ultimate turn of laziness/efficiency, I interoffice'd this cap to the mom-to-be, since she and I are fellow corporate peons. Don't worry, I sent her "real" gift in the proper manner in time for the baby shower - from the baby registry and gift wrapped.
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