I was, however, super excited to learn that a pinkberry was located less than 3 miles from the hotel. We went twice in three days. I lament that we don't have a pinkberry in San Francisco. The closest thing we have, I think, is Tutti Melon, which is delicious, too, but pinkberry just seems to be a touch better in terms of the quality and taste of the actual frozen yogurt. When we first visited a pinkberry in LA, the line was out the door, around the block, and there were articles in the LA Times about the parking tickets people were receiving for double parking to get some of the yummy goodness. We also happened to run into that Asian actor dude from Harold and Kumar movie fame and his entourage when we were last in a pinkberry. I don't know if it was because of the time of day or the location, but this time around, there wasn't any line.

The wedding was pretty nice, but on the whole, I feel wedding'ed out. This will be the third wedding we have attended in the last 5 weeks, all of which required travel (Tahoe, Hawaii, and Anaheim). Granted the locations were all pleasant (Hawaii, especially!), and the weddings were sweet, but seriously, at this point, both my husband and I feel that we won't be attending another wedding unless the it's for a blood relative or bosom buddy.
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