Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time Flies

Yesterday, Emma turned 1 month old.  It is amazing how quickly time flies.  She has already outgrown some of her newborn clothes.  The crazy thing is that we got so many outfits as gifts that she didn't even get a chance to wear all her newborn outfits before she outgrew them.

Here she is at 1 month old - the red blotches are her baby acne!  She has gotten a lot chubbier, and has turned into a good eater.  Right now, she is all head and tummy.  Sometimes, she gets a little bit of a deranged look on her face right before she gets fed.  I will have to try to capture that on camera...
She is also starting to enjoy bathtime.  This is great, because previously every time we gave her a bath, she screamed as if someone were trying to murder her.  Here's a picture in her little bathtime hooded towel.  Her red cheeks - you guessed it, the baby acne!

1 comment:

Susan said...

She looks like she's smiling in the top one...does she smile a lot? :) So cute. And, seriously, I wouldn't even have KNOWN that was baby acne if you hadn't told me. It just looks like she has cute pink cheeks. So, don't worry about it! She's gorgeous. :)