Ok, so I know that a baby is a joyous thing and most people get happy when they think about babies, but seriously, there are some dumbass people out there. For example:
- You should not randomly touch a pregnant woman's belly without asking first. And don't be offended if she says no to your request. It is her baby, her body, and she has the right to say no to someone (even family) touching her body.
- Don't say stupid things like "My god, you are big!" or "You look like you are ready to pop!" or "Good lord, your breasts are huge!" (this was said to me by a man, no less) to a pregnant woman. While you may think that these are funny or amusing to say, I can guarantee that most pregnant women feel enormous in the last trimester and do not need people to remind her of it.
- If it isn't a boy, then it must be a girl, right? Logic, people, it is out there, so use it. I was in a store and someone said to me, "You look like you are having a boy." (First of all, how can one "look like" she is having one sex or the other? All wives' tales.) I said "No, I am not having a boy." I was tired, didn't really feel like talking to a stranger at that point since it was a quick transaction and I wanted to go home. The person then asked, "Oh, then what is it?" almost like this person was angry with me. I wanted to answer "It is an alien." But I restrained myself, answered politely and left the store.
- I know that millions of women have been pregnant and it is not some rare condition, but please, be polite and realize that it may be harder for a pregnant woman to move as quickly as a non-pregnant woman. Don't push her out of the way if you are trying to get past her, and certainly don't push past her on stairs or on public transportation. A pregnant woman's center of gravity is off and she could fall.
All these things have happened to me, and now with my pregnant belly being very obvious, some are happening with more frequency. I try not to get too grumpy about it, but sometimes, no matter how hard you close your eyes and wish it away, the stupid just doesn't go away.