Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to the Coal Mines

Well, today was my first day back in the office after taking maternity leave. It wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, although I had a weepy moment when we dropped off Emma at daycare this morning. True to her little self, she had a big poop right as we arrived at daycare. We were getting ready to change her ourselves, but her caretaker, Ling, came out and said, "Oh, let me handle of that!" She took Emma to the changing table in the infant room, changed her and brought her back out to the reception area for mommy and daddy to say goodbye.

We picked Emma up from daycare in the evening, and apparently, Emma had a very good day. She drank almost all her milk, smiled at the caregivers, did some rolls during tummy time, and didn't cry much. I am slightly offended that my baby girl didn't seem to miss me very much, but also very proud that she is such an easy baby (well, at least for now).

We returned yesterday after visiting husband's family to celebrate Thanksgiving and Emma's Red Egg and Ginger/100 Day party. Emma turned 100 days on November 22, 2009. There is a special significance to turning 100 days in Korean and Japanese culture, probably because way back in the day, many babies did not survive past 100 days. The red egg and ginger portion of the party celebrated Emma's Chinese heritage. We took lots of pictures, and I will post those over the next day or two!

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