Sunday, April 19, 2009

Davis and Preparation - It's Go Time!

This was a fun-filled weekend where we went to Davis to attend Picnic Day at UC Davis with a few of our friends and their children. The weather was really nice, not too hot, which is rare for Davis in summertime (it was around 80-85 degrees), and things were in bloom. After spending some time on campus, we went to Sudwerk, a Davis microbrewery, to eat and drink some more (just water and juice for me!), relax and hang out on the patio outside. We were all remembering the good life, when we were students (whether it was undergrad or law) when life was waaaaaay easier and less complicated without worrying about jobs, kids (or future kids), etc.

Pictures of the Davis rescue helicopter and old time fire engines showcased at Picnic Day:

We then met another friend, J, and went to watch a Sacramento Sirens' football game. My friend, A, from law school, plays on the all-women's professional football team, and she is pretty awesome.

J then came back with us from Sacramento to San Francisco and stayed over at our place. Unfortunately, on Sunday afternoon, poor J got forced into labor by husband and was enlisted to help paint the baby nursery. We finally picked a color, a pale green called Honeydew (which ironically looks almost the same as our dining room color, so we could have just used the leftover dining room paint instead of springing for expensive new paint, but, oh well). You can't see the color in the picture, but it is pretty. We are finally getting in gear about getting the nursery ready. Although three months seems far away, time really seems to be flying by!

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