Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home Craftiness

After years of watching HGTV and these do-it-yourself-on-a-dime-or-you-are-a-total-inept-loser types of programs, we decided to reupholster our dining room chairs ourselves. Why do we need to do this?  Because of these two culprits:
Claws, fur, and some hairballs later, our original cream colored seats were left looking sad and tired.  I will forego my embarassment and post here a picture of one of the seats (note that I am posting one of the better looking ones in an attempt to retain some semblance of dignity): 
We went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts and picked out some fabric on super sale.  When we bought the fabric, I  voiced some concern that it had stripes and that it might be hard to align them correctly on the seats.  Someone who shall remain nameless poo-pooed my concern, but I was only to be vindicated later. 

We cut the fabric:
Held it in place (again, as mentioned above, with some fussing and pulling to get the stupid stripes aligned):
 Stapled it in place with a big-ass staple gun:
And voila!
But, wait!  Stripes, breathe your last breath of fresh air because you are about to be...
Hermetically sealed.  With vinyl.

My concession to my husband's valid concern that our two furry culprits would only strike again with a vengence.  Freakin' kitties.  I live in a place with plastic. covered. furniture.

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