Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Foray into Crochet

Here's Emma in my Cheri crocheted cap: 
It's got a little brim and a crocheted flower on the side: 
I wanted to make Emma a cotton sun hat for the summer months.  I really like the result (it's a little big on her) but I think I will also make something with a floppier brim. 

I learned how to crochet before I learned how to knit, and I find that crocheted items are a lot faster to create than knitted items, but I still like knitting more.  My mother, an excellent crocheter and knitter herself, helped me make this hat.  Having not crocheted in years and years, but skills were rusty!

I actually think this hat could be made for a boy, too, just remove the flower and use a different color, and it would look sort of like a newsboy cap.

1 comment:

Andria said...

Great job! Looks perfect. I've heard that crocheting is faster, but never tried it myself.