Friday, January 15, 2010

Ways to Help

"Here and there, small tragedies unfolded. In the Petionville suburb, friends held back Kettely Clerge — 'I want to see her,' she sobbed — as neighbors with bare hands tried to dig out her 9-year-old daughter, Harryssa Keem Clerge, pleading for rescue, from beneath their home's rubble. "There's no police, there's nobody," the hopeless mother cried. By day's end, the girl was dead."

That is just a sampling of what the Haitians are going through right now.  The above excerpt is from a recent article about the devastation that resulted from the earthquake in Haiti.  We can all do our part to help - Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross are very good options.  You can use your cell phone to make donations, too.  You can give $10 to the Red Cross by texting the word "HAITI" to 90999.  The donation is added to your cell phone bill.

Just be careful, because there are internet scams out there, hoping to take advantage of our good will.  It makes me sick to think that there are people like that, willing to take away money from those is such dire need.

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