Thursday, January 28, 2010

This Can't Be Normal

So, I have held a corporate peon job before this one, although it was in a totally different industry and field.  And I don't remember this ever being tolerated or normal, but maybe I just don't have enough experience out there in corporate land.  But, I can't think it is normal to see or hear co-workers sobbing uncontrollably due to workload or because of the way they are treated at work.  It happens way too frequently around here.  I (knock on wood) have yet to be pushed to that point, but I have been close many, many times.  I just can't think that this is how it is at other places.

1 comment:

Susan said...

That sounds so horrible... :( I'm really sad that you have to be in that environment every day instead of at home with your adorable baby. I really hope that you can put an end date on that place at some point in the not-too-distant future and get yourself somewhere healthier where you can still use your brain, but people make you feel valued.

Hugs to you guys!