Saturday, December 5, 2009

Turn a Square - Noro Striped Hat

Here's my latest knitting creation:

It's the Turn a Square Hat by Jared Flood, aka Brooklyn Tweed dude.  His designs are so stunning, and he himself is an excellent knitter.  His blog is beautiful, with gorgeous photos of his knitting and designwear.  I once told my cousin who lives in Brooklyn to try to find him and date him.  Yes, like a stalker.  I was having a crazy moment.  Anyway, I think he has a girlfriend already and now my cousin is engaged to someone she loves very much. 

The hat fits husband's head nicely. 

It's hard to see in the picture, but the hat pattern has an unusual decrease structure which results in the crown looking like it has little striped squares, instead of the traditional circular decreases.  I like it so much, I might "borrow" it.   Of course, now that I am back at work, much of my knitting has to take a backseat.  I hope I will get some Christmas gifts done, but not counting on it anymore.  Those hopes went out the door with the hope of slow transition back to work!

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