Monday, November 17, 2008

Kitty Emergency

This past Friday, we spent about 5 1/2 hours at the pet hospital waiting for chubby cat Mr. Elvis. Poor baby had some weird vomiting and stomach issues for a couple of days, and we thought it was time to take him in for a professional opinion. He had an x-ray, then an ultrasound - note his shaved belly. For about an hour and a half, we thought he would have to have surgery to remove a potential "foreign object" that might be lodged in his intestines. But, in the end, he was ok, and discharged with a prescription of kitty antibiotics and instructions to be be fed human Pepcid AC.

I nearly had a violent vomiting incident myself when I saw the final bill. We are talking serious cash. So much so that I could not justify going to a haircut appointment this weekend because of the serious cash outlay (I know, I know, I hear the the world's smallest violin playing in the background). Hey, at least we saved the $3,000 it would have cost for surgery. Yes, people, you heard me right - $3,000 for kitty foreign object surgery. But, Mr. Elvis and Ms. Monkey are members of the family, so we would have shelled this out, but it would not stop me from blogging/lamenting about it!
Happily, Elvis is doing fine. His vomiting has stopped, and he mostly looks at his shaved belly with a "WTF is this?" kind of expression on his face. He tries to hide his shaved belly - kitty modesty, maybe. And he is definitely enjoying the people food (canned salmon and tuna) that he is eating, on doctor's orders. Ms. Monkey is benefiting from this as well, since I can't look at her little face of jealousy without pangs of guilt, so I break down and feed her the people food, too.

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