Thursday, October 23, 2008


Ugh, being a corporate peon has been really rough lately. Late, late nights at work, missed meals and lack of sleep. The one bright spot for the past couple of weeks has been sneaking away for a couple of hours to join a sock class taught by my knitting guru at my favorite local yarn store, Imagiknit (then heading back in to work - sigh). I am finally learning how to knit socks...of course, this coming from the woman who hardly wears socks. Well, I figure someone I know will want some!

Here's the learning/test sock - note the anklet length. I told hubbie, the anklet may make it look girly, but he has to wear it anyway when complete. Here's to hoping that each sock I knit will eventually end up with a matching mate. I can see a knitting future filled with a slew of single socks.

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