Monday, June 6, 2011

No Baldies Around Here

Emma's aunt got her a doll last Christmas.  The doll is named "Baby", or at least that is what Emma calls her doll.  She carries Baby around, feeds Baby with a cup, puts Baby in a doll stroller and pushes Baby all around the house, and gives Baby kisses.  

For a while now, Emma has been traumatized by one aspect of Baby.  Baby has no hair.  Emma will point to her own head, say "'Air" (Emma still can't say "H", and that is why Hammi, a shortened version of the Korean word for Grandma, still comes out sounding a lot like "mommy" or "money."), then point to poor unfortunate Baby's head, and then say "No" and shake her head or make a hand motion that means "None." 

So that is why Emma's newest endeavor must be viewed really as humanitarian, and not really that of a mischievous toddler:

Now Baby has hair.  And Emma tries to even brush Baby's new head of hair. 

P.S.  Just to be clear, though, this is NOT an entreaty to people to get Emma a new doll with hair-you know who you are  ;)


Susan said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I love it. I drew make-up on my Raggedy Ann doll with a crayon when I was about three. So, get ready for more of it, if she ever sees you putting your make-up on!

avalucia said...

Oh wow, I can't believe she did that! I love it. What a clever little Emma.