Happy Valentine's Day, or as Emma's preschool calls it, Friendship Day. I received some lovely long stem roses from husband, and Emma received a little brown "Friendship Bear" (well, the bear arrived with the roses, and so it became Emma's bear).
We all (except for poor Ethan) had a Friendship cookie after dinner, along with glasses of Friendship milk. Emma got a big kick out of the pink milk.
And just because, here's Ethan in the bath. So chubby and cute!
Ethan, lurking in background: Reaches over and pulls at my shirt, trying to get me to pick him up.
Emma, sitting in her booster, watching this happen: "Hey, Jung-Bin (his Korean name), that's MY mommy!"
Ethan: "Gurgle, gurgle, YAHHHH!!!!" Continues to tug on me, until I give him a snuggle.